Need-to-Know | 16 October 2023

“Complete intelligence is not always available in a perfect manner. Even incomplete intelligence, if assessed properly and promptly by experts and acted upon effectively, can make a difference”

- Vikram Sood, former head of India's foreign intelligence agency

Intelligence Fun Fact:

Staying Safe in Densely Populated Areas Amidst Potential Unrest: An Intelligence-Based Approach

In an increasingly interconnected world, densely populated urban areas often serve as hubs of economic activity, cultural diversity, and innovation. However, they can also become hotspots for protests, demonstrations, and even lone-wolf terror attacks. Ensuring personal safety in such environments requires a comprehensive understanding of the potential risks and a proactive approach to security. Below is an intelligence-based approach to identify key ways to stay safe in densely populated areas that could turn violent due to clashes among protesters or lone-wolf terror attacks.

1. Risk Assessment and Situational Awareness:

One of the fundamental principles of personal safety is being aware of your surroundings and the potential risks they may pose. This awareness begins with a thorough risk assessment:

1.1. Research the Area: Before venturing into densely populated areas, research the neighborhood or city to understand its recent history of protests, demonstrations, or security incidents. This can be done through news outlets, local authorities, and even social media.

1.2. Identify Hotspots: Determine areas within the city that are more likely to host protests or gatherings, such as government buildings, public squares, or symbolic locations.

1.3. Stay Informed: Keep abreast of current events, particularly any planned protests or gatherings that may lead to confrontations. Monitor local news, government announcements, and social media updates.

1.4. Understand the Local Culture: Being aware of the cultural and political nuances of the area can help you anticipate potential triggers for unrest.

1.5. Trustworthy Sources: Rely on credible sources of information to avoid misinformation and sensationalism, which can contribute to panic.

2. Personal Security Measures:

2.1. Travel Light: In densely populated areas, it's essential to travel light and avoid carrying unnecessary items. Reducing the weight of your backpack or bag can aid in mobility and quick response in case of an emergency.

2.2. Use Discreet Bags: If you must carry a bag, opt for one that doesn't draw attention. Avoid using bags with symbols or logos that could identify you with a particular group.

2.3. Wear Neutral Clothing: Dress in neutral, non-provocative clothing that doesn't align with any political or ideological group. This minimizes the risk of being targeted based on your attire.

2.4. Leave Valuables at Home: Avoid carrying expensive items or large sums of money. If you have to bring valuables, keep them concealed and secure.

2.5. Personal Identification: Carry a copy of your identification, passport, or driver's license and leave the original in a secure place. In case of emergency, this information can be invaluable.

3. Emergency Contacts and Communication:

3.1. Emergency Numbers: Memorize or store emergency contact numbers, including local police, medical services, and your country's embassy or consulate.

3.2. Communication Plan: Establish a communication plan with friends or family members, so they are aware of your location and can check in with you at regular intervals.

3.3. Use a Buddy System: Whenever possible, travel with a friend or family member. In chaotic situations, a trusted companion can be a crucial source of support.

3.4. Download Safety Apps: There are various safety apps available that can help you connect with emergency services, share your location, and receive real-time updates. Download and familiarize yourself with such apps.

3.5. Local SIM Card: If you're visiting from another country, consider obtaining a local SIM card for reliable communication.

4. Navigation and Route Planning:

4.1. Map Awareness: Have a physical map or use a GPS app on your phone to navigate the area. In case of disruptions in cell service, a physical map can be a lifesaver.

4.2. Alternative Routes: Identify multiple routes to reach your destination, and avoid taking a predictable path, which may be the target of protests or attacks.

4.3. Avoidance and Evasion: If you become aware of a gathering or potential confrontation, change your route to maintain a safe distance.

5. Safe Meeting Points:

5.1. Designated Meeting Points: Agree upon designated safe meeting points with your travel companions. These should be easily identifiable and accessible locations.

5.2. Local Landmarks: Familiarize yourself with local landmarks that can serve as reference points and safe meeting places in case of separation or an emergency.

6. Identifying Signs of Unrest:

6.1. Crowd Behavior: Pay close attention to the behavior of the crowd. Signs of tension, aggression, or confrontational gestures should prompt you to keep a safe distance.

6.2. Police Presence: The presence of law enforcement can indicate potential unrest. However, it's important to keep in mind that both the presence and absence of police can pose risks.

6.3. Monitoring Social Media: Social media platforms may provide real-time updates on developing situations. However, be cautious about the accuracy of information and potential misinformation.

6.4. Listening to Locals: If you're unfamiliar with the area, seek guidance and insights from local residents. They can often provide valuable information and advice regarding the current situation.

7. Nonviolent Conflict Resolution:

7.1. De-escalation: If you find yourself in a tense situation, practice de-escalation techniques. Avoid engaging in confrontations and remain calm.

7.2. Retreat: If possible, retreat from the area to a safer location. Avoid being drawn into conflicts or confrontations.

8. First Aid and Medical Supplies:

8.1. Basic First Aid Kit: Carry a basic first aid kit that includes items such as bandages, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, and any necessary prescription medications.

8.2. Know Emergency Procedures: Familiarize yourself with basic first aid procedures, such as wound care and CPR. These skills can be invaluable in case of injury.

9. Avoiding Lone-Wolf Terror Attacks:

9.1. Suspicious Behavior: Be vigilant about your surroundings and report any suspicious behavior or unattended packages to authorities.

9.2. Crowd Dynamics: Recognize that terrorists often target crowded areas. Avoid lingering in densely populated locations for extended periods.

9.3. Know Emergency Exits: Identify emergency exits and escape routes in crowded places like shopping malls, theaters, and transportation hubs.

9.4. Emergency Alarms: Familiarize yourself with the location of emergency alarms and how to activate them.


Staying safe in densely populated areas that may turn violent due to clashes among protesters or lone-wolf terror attacks requires a combination of proactive measures, situational awareness, and preparation. By conducting a thorough risk assessment, practicing situational awareness, and adhering to personal security measures, you can significantly reduce the risks associated with these environments. Moreover, having a clear communication plan, navigation strategy, and understanding of signs of unrest can be crucial in ensuring your safety. Lastly, promoting nonviolent conflict resolution and being prepared for medical emergencies further enhances your capacity to stay safe in challenging urban settings.

Stay safe out there!

Unraveling the Israel-Gaza Conflict

The Israel-Gaza conflict remains a volatile and intractable struggle. With ongoing violence on the ground and a complex geopolitical landscape, the situation continues to evolve. This week we wanted to provide an in-depth analysis of the latest developments in the conflict, delve into the intricacies of the crisis, and conclude with predictions for the next six months. We examine the conflict without veering into misinformation, offering a comprehensive understanding of the situation.

Latest Developments from the Conflict:

The Israel-Gaza conflict is marked by continued instability and turmoil. Israel's military recently ordered the evacuation of civilians in Gaza City, a move that shows Israel is for an immediate ground offensive. This directive followed Israel's warning to evacuate 1.1 million people from northern Gaza, signaling the escalation of hostilities. The crisis also features a hostage situation involving Hamas and Israeli captives, further exacerbating tensions. Concurrently, the United States has deployed the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower carrier strike group to strengthen Israel's defenses and act as a deterrent against further hostilities. These developments underscore the deep-seated geopolitical tensions in the region.

In-Depth Analysis of the Israel-Gaza Conflict:

The Israel-Gaza conflict is rooted in historical, political, and religious complexities. The conflict primarily revolves around the Israeli-Palestinian dispute, with competing claims to territory, security concerns, and self-determination. The status of Jerusalem, control over borders, and the right of return for Palestinian refugees are among the contentious issues fueling this enduring crisis. This struggle has led to multiple military confrontations, resulting in casualties, destruction, and displacement on both sides. The conflict's dynamics are further complicated by the involvement of non-state actors like Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, and the role of international powers such as the United States, Egypt, and Iran.

Humanitarian and Security Dimensions:

The Israel-Gaza conflict has severe humanitarian implications. Civilian casualties, damaged infrastructure, and disrupted essential services have resulted in dire conditions for the local population. Humanitarian organizations and aid agencies struggle to provide assistance amid ongoing hostilities. The situation is further complicated by issues related to access, the delivery of medical supplies, and the provision of clean water and food. Power outages and scarcity of essential resources have created a humanitarian crisis, further straining the lives of Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip.

Security concerns loom large on both sides. Israel seeks to protect its citizens from rocket attacks launched from Gaza and combat militant groups that threaten its security. The Gaza Strip, in turn, is marked by insecurity, with Hamas and other factions engaged in a constant struggle against Israeli military incursions and economic blockade. The enduring insecurity has also generated tensions between Israelis and Palestinians in the West Bank, raising concerns of potential unrest in the broader region.

The International Response and Diplomacy:

The international community has long been involved in the Israel-Gaza conflict, striving to mediate and find a peaceful resolution. Various peace initiatives, such as the Oslo Accords, the Camp David Summit, and the Annapolis Conference, have sought to address the core issues of the conflict. International organizations, including the United Nations and the Quartet on the Middle East, continue to engage in diplomatic efforts. However, these endeavors have been met with limited success, largely due to the deeply entrenched positions of the involved parties.

Key diplomatic challenges include reconciling competing narratives, addressing the status of Jerusalem, and determining the borders and sovereignty of Israel and a future Palestinian state. Security guarantees, disarmament of militant groups, and issues related to the right of return for Palestinian refugees further complicate the diplomatic landscape.

Influx of Misinformation:

Social media platforms have become breeding grounds for disinformation, conspiracy theories, and misleading narratives. Users have wrongly portrayed hostages as soldiers, and some have shared inaccurate videos, undermining the public's comprehension of the crisis. Inauthentic accounts, some possibly state-coordinated, have played a role in amplifying divisive and deceptive ideas. Recognizing misinformation and disinformation is paramount. Here are some strategies to consider:

Source Verification: Scrutinize the account's history. Frequent topic shifts and accounts established recently can be red flags for inauthenticity.

Cross-check with Reliable Sources: Rely on reputable news outlets and fact-checking organizations to verify the information.

Media Authenticity: Scrutinize the authenticity of images and videos. Employ reverse image searches to determine their origin.

Context Matters: Misleading content often lacks context. Seek comprehensive information to gain a more accurate understanding of the full story.

Predictions for the Next Six Months:

The Israel-Gaza conflict is unlikely to see a swift resolution in the coming months. The enduring regional instability and deep-rooted disputes suggest continued turmoil. Several developments are worth anticipating:

1. Protracted Conflict: The Israel-Gaza conflict is likely to persist, maintaining regional instability and geopolitical uncertainty.

2. Humanitarian Concerns: The humanitarian crisis will endure, impacting the lives of Palestinians and placing further strain on humanitarian efforts.

3. Continued Diplomacy: Diplomatic initiatives will continue, but progress remains elusive due to the deeply ingrained positions of the involved parties.

4. Global Ramifications: The conflict will continue to reverberate internationally, testing the diplomatic and geopolitical skills of global leaders.

The Israel-Gaza conflict is a complex and enduring crisis, marked by ongoing violence and a challenging diplomatic landscape. The humanitarian dimension further complicates the situation, creating difficulties for aid organizations. As the conflict persists, the international community grapples with diplomatic solutions, yet achieving lasting peace remains an elusive goal. The coming months are marked by uncertainty, underscoring the need for adaptable strategies and continued engagement with this protracted crisis.

New Zealand Elections and Implications for Relations with China, the West, and Global Geopolitics

In a significant political shift, conservative businessman Christopher Luxon has secured a decisive victory in New Zealand's recent election, becoming the country's next prime minister. This outcome marks a departure from the liberal government led by Jacinda Ardern for most of the past six years. The precise configuration of Luxon's government is still unfolding, as ballots continue to be counted. Despite outgoing Prime Minister Chris Hipkins expressing his disappointment at the result, Luxon's National Party captured 39% of the vote, with a likely alliance forming with the libertarian ACT Party under New Zealand's proportional voting system. The Labour Party led by Hipkins received 27% of the vote, significantly less than their previous election results. Special votes, comprising about 20% of the total, have yet to be tallied.

Changing Dynamics in New Zealand:

Christopher Luxon's election as New Zealand's next prime minister represents a notable shift in the country's political landscape. New Zealand has experienced six years of governance under Jacinda Ardern's liberal leadership, marked by her global prominence, compassionate approach, and handling of various crises. However, Ardern's decision to step down earlier this year, citing an inability to continue, paved the way for Chris Hipkins to assume leadership. Hipkins, who held multiple ministerial positions, faced challenges including an economic downturn, high inflation, and fiscal deficits.

Under Ardern, New Zealand adopted a strict approach to managing the COVID-19 pandemic, which succeeded in minimizing infections but had substantial economic ramifications. While many residents supported these measures, others felt they were overly stringent. This division was evident during the recent election campaign, which revolved around concerns such as the rising cost of living, housing shortages, and economic anxiety. Both major parties, Luxon's National Party and Hipkins' Labour Party, presented contrasting policy proposals to address these issues.

Key points of contention in the election included tax cuts, healthcare reform, economic policies, and addressing crime. Luxon promised tax cuts for middle-income earners and a tougher stance on law and order. Hipkins, on the other hand, proposed free dental care for individuals under 30 and the removal of sales taxes on certain items. These differences highlighted the various priorities of the electorate.

Luxon's successful election campaign focused on a platform of change and returning the country "back on track." This resonated with voters who sought a different approach to governance, as indicated by his victory. The election result also saw the loss of some incumbent politicians, including Nanaia Mahuta, the foreign minister, further emphasizing the shift in political dynamics.

In the coming weeks, official results will be announced by the election commission, but it is evident that New Zealand's political landscape is experiencing significant change, with Luxon's National Party taking the lead and promising a new direction for the country.

Sino-New Zealand Relations:

The outcome of New Zealand's recent election and the victory of Christopher Luxon's National Party has the potential to impact the country's relations with China. Under Jacinda Ardern's leadership, New Zealand maintained a pragmatic approach to its relations with China, emphasizing trade and economic ties. However, Luxon's election could bring about shifts in this dynamic.

Luxon's National Party, with its conservative platform, may adopt a more assertive stance on issues related to China. Luxon has promised tax cuts and a crackdown on crime, but his approach to foreign policy, especially in relation to China, remains to be seen. His pledge to eliminate the Māori Health Authority on the grounds that it creates separate health systems hints at a possible reevaluation of co-governance efforts. The implications of this decision on New Zealand's relations with its Indigenous Māori population and its connection to China remain uncertain.

New Zealand's relationship with China has evolved in recent years, with China emerging as one of New Zealand's key trading partners. As New Zealand navigates its foreign policy under Luxon's leadership, it will need to balance its economic interests with potential political and security considerations. A more assertive stance on China could have repercussions on trade and economic relations, and it will be essential for New Zealand to maintain diplomatic and trade ties while addressing any new challenges that arise.


New Zealand Relations with Western Nations:

Luxon's election in New Zealand could also affect the country's relations with Western nations, particularly with the "Five Eyes" intelligence alliance, which includes the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia. New Zealand is a member of this intelligence-sharing network, and its foreign policy alignment with Western democracies has been essential in maintaining security and intelligence cooperation.

The National Party's conservative platform, as exemplified by Luxon's election, may lead to more alignment with the Western nations in terms of foreign policy and security issues. This shift could involve closer cooperation with the Five Eyes alliance, which focuses on intelligence sharing and addressing global security challenges, including cyber threats and counterterrorism efforts.

Luxon's promise to restore law and order, combat crime, and emphasize personal responsibility could find resonance with Western nations advocating for strong law enforcement and security measures. Consequently, New Zealand's foreign policy under Luxon's leadership might reflect a closer alignment with the security priorities of Western nations.

Geopolitical Landscape in the Event of a Taiwan Invasion:

The dynamics in New Zealand under Christopher Luxon's leadership could also impact the geopolitical landscape in the event of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan. New Zealand, like many nations, will face difficult decisions and considerations in such a scenario.

A change in New Zealand's leadership and foreign policy could influence its stance on regional security issues. While New Zealand has traditionally maintained a neutral position in international conflicts, Luxon's government might adopt a more assertive stance in collaboration with Western allies in response to a Taiwan crisis.

The Five Eyes alliance, of which New Zealand is a part, could play a significant role in coordinating a response to a Taiwan invasion. The alliance's intelligence-sharing capabilities and collective security efforts may strengthen, and New Zealand's alignment with the alliance could be critical in shaping the response to regional instability.

However, New Zealand's position would be influenced by a complex web of factors, including economic ties with China and the need to balance its commitment to Western security alliances with regional interests. The country's response to a Taiwan invasion would likely involve careful diplomatic considerations, and the outcome would have implications for regional stability and global geopolitics.

The election of Christopher Luxon as New Zealand's next prime minister signifies a substantial shift in the country's political landscape. This change has the potential to impact New Zealand's relations with China and Western nations, particularly in terms of foreign policy and security alignment. Additionally, it could influence New Zealand's stance in the event of a geopolitical crisis, such as a Chinese invasion of Taiwan. The coming months and years will be critical in determining the precise direction of New Zealand's foreign policy and its role in regional and global affairs.

This Week Explained

Stay safe out there


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